Home Features INEC Is Setting Nigeria On The Path Of Destruction – Onwuasoanya FCC...

INEC Is Setting Nigeria On The Path Of Destruction – Onwuasoanya FCC Jones


Following the Presidential and national assembly elections held last saturday in the country and subsequent delay by the Electoral body to begin the announcement of results, many social commentators has risen to share thier view and to warn about the impending danger if they allow the suspicious massive rigging and go ahead the declare the results.

One of such is Onwuasonya FCC Jones who described the action of the electoral body plan to set Nigeria on fire 🔥.

“When Nigeria Burns,
For it shall burn;

Hold INEC responsible!
Nigerians took a civil decision through the ballots, to preserve and rebuild their country,
But INEC, working in cahoots with our oppressors, are working hard to deprive us of this opportunity to rewrite our history for the better.

Nigerians shall be left with no other option, but to take to the streets, to present ourselves for the bullets of the oppressors, to maul all of us down, or the remaining of us shall set the oppressors ablaze. We shall know who owns the country between the people and the criminal tyrants.

Nigeria, has not been able to defeat a ragtag group of terrorists in the Northeast for more than 14 years now. They haven’t been able to curtail the ragtag criminals in the East for three years now and the North Central has been set afire by criminal herdsmen, yet, they haven’t brought it under control. I am wondering what magic they will employ to quell a mass disobedience.

We have chosen to be Obidient, but INEC and the security agencies seem to want to convince us that disobedience is better. We shall be left with no other option but to show total disobedience to every constituted authority because they shall all lose their legitimacy if they try to impose their will on us.

INEC should do the right thing now; declare the results as they were cast at different polling units in the country. Any attempt to declare results from manufactured figures shall spell an end to this nation as we know it.”


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